Janet O'Hearn‑Czarnota

Halton Hills Trustee

Photo © HCDSB

Overall Opinion:

Halton Hills Trustee Janet O'Hearn-Czarnota is a genuinely positive presence in the Board of Trustees. Her debate is thoughtful and relevant, and she has repeatedly shown her commitment to moving the Board in a positive direction. She is consistently respectful of delegates and of her fellow board members.

Key Motions:

Supporting Our Diverse School Community (Pride Flag - April 2021)
Trustee O'Hearn-Czarnota amended Trustee Agnew's original motion to remove flying the Pride Flag at all schools, reducing the number of Safe Space posters from one per class to one per school, and adding a mandate for 2SLGBTQ+ training for all HCDSB staff.
Strengthening Community Relationships (Pride Flag - January 2022)
With regard to Trustee O'Brien's amendment to also raise the Canadian Indigenous flag, she stated that we had not heard this from the Indigenous community and needed to consult them before making such a decision about them. When speaking to the main motion, Trustee O'Hearn-Czarnota reiterated what she said last year, that if even one student feels unsafe at school, that it's too much for her. She is tired of this issue being politicized, sexualized, and demonized - it instead needs to be humanized. She received many communications on both sides of the issue, but simply, if we are the reason that one student does not cry themselves to sleep because they don't feel invisible at school, then we must vote 'yes'. If we eliminate even one family from dealing with mental illness or the suicide of a child, then we must vote 'yes'. And f we can remove negative, we must vote 'yes'. It is a simple answer, and she will (and did) vote 'yes'.

Positions Held:

Student Alternate Learning Committee - Trustee Representative
Salary & Bargaining Committee - Trustee Representative
Equity & Inclusion Committee - Trustee Alternate
Policy Committee - Chair (2022-present)
Audit Committee - Trustee Representative